GLP Compliant Lab Data Archive Solution

Your GLP Data. When you need it.

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Preserve the past. Focus on now.

Managing substantial volumes of GLP data can pose significant challenges to laboratories, particularly as data volumes continue to grow. To effectively manage these challenges, it is important for laboratories to adopt a risk-based approach and select a GLP-compliant archiving and preservation solution.

By doing so, laboratories can have confidence in the integrity and longevity of their lab data. This supports ongoing patient care and testing by providing a reliable foundation of historical data that scientists can reference and build upon.

It also reinforces compliance with regulatory requirements. Failure to do this can impact patient care, levy financial penalties, and damage the institution’s reputation.

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Centralised Laboratory Data Management

Decades of data. Minutes of your time.

Managing laboratory data across multiple locations not only hinders the ability to revisit past data but also creates complications during inspections. In many cases, the process of locating data for inspection preparation can disrupt daily operations as staff must pause their regular duties.

This type of event highlights the importance for laboratories to centralise their GLP data, streamlining access for both staff and regulators. By using one GLP validated archiving and preservation solution, more time is dedicated to analysis and less time is spent locating data from multiple sources

Long-Term GLP Compliant Laboratory Data Preservation

Move your mindset forward.

While some digital archives are effective in storing large volumes of data, they are not designed for the long-term preservation of GLP data. This puts laboratories at risk of failing to align with preservation standards set out by UKAS, ISO, and the HCPC guidelines, as data that may be needed years from now might not be legible or accessible.

Leaving long-term GLP data in Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) or even a cloud-based file sharing platform has been the “classic” way of storing lab data and patient records. However, this method presents challenges in maintaining complete control over the data.

In a modern system, users should be able to actively preserve and recall records as required, whilst mitigating the risks of data corruption posed by the traditional approach to data storage.
A GLP compliant archiving and preservation solution not only aligns with GLP regulations, it also provides a practical approach to accessing data in real-time, making stored records easy to retrieve and act upon.

GLP Data Management, Safeguarding and Search

At Arkivum, we specialise in assisting laboratories with managing their GLP data. Our solution offers numerous benefits that enhance operations and ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines.

Find out more about some of the key features of our solution below.

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Advanced Data Search

To support future research, it’s important that laboratory staff and key stakeholders (both internal and possibly external) are able to easily find critical information when they need it.

Leverage powerful search functionality across the archive, so that every user can easily and quickly find what they need, when they need it.

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Safeguarding & Data Integrity

Digital safeguarding is crucial for any organisation looking to retain GLP data for more than 5 years. Our safeguarding technology helps you to mitigate against the risk of data corruption or loss, forever. Arkivum’s automated data integrity checks protect your data for as long as it is needed, without requiring manual intervention or becoming an operational burden.

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Data Management & Access

Laboratories retaining digital content for decades or longer should maintain an accessible and centrally managed digital archive under their control. With Arkivum’s solution, laboratory records and data can be accessed and managed instantly online. Additionally, Arkivum’s vendor-independent approach eliminates the risk of lock-in or data silos, ensuring you remain in complete control of your data.

Arvikum’s Digital Guide to Archiving Laboratory Data

eBook: A guide to archiving laboratory data

Download our free guide on archiving and preserving GLP data. This practical guide explores the difference between data storage vs. preservation, data integrity considerations, when to plan, and more.

Laboratory Data Archive & Management FAQs

How does the Arkivum solution support inspection readiness?
Can you automate data preservation?
Can you archive LIMS data?
Will we be trained to migrate data into the system ourselves?
Will you provide ongoing support?
Can you preserve dynamic data?
Can I archive petabyte scale datasets?
How does Arkivum support my alignment with ISO 15189?
What file types can I archive?
Does Arkivum support dynamic retention rules for different record types?
Do you support full-text search?
Is there a limit to how much data I can archive?
Can I upload Zip folders to the Arkivum solution?

Interested in finding out more?

Message us via our contact us page or book some time in with one of our experienced team. We’ll arrange an initial exploratory discussion to better understand your requirements, and whether the Arkivum solution will help you solve your challenges.